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2019 Kia Soul Log Dump message at startup


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My Soul has 38,000 miles and recently turned 5 years old.  Of late I am getting, with increasing frequency a  message about a log dump after I start driving. This message buffers at length. It sometimes will follow with one of two messages: Log Dump Failed or Log Dump Successful. Either the way the same messages will recycle a few times before the radio can function.  HOWEVER, as of a week ago, the radio will not turn off after one of these log dump cycles. I push the Radio power button on the control panel and it is unresponsive. The radio menu button is also unresponsive. The radio will respond the the controls on the steering wheel.  For no identifiable reason the problem goes away and all buttons start working again. This morning the entire panel was black. The car drove normal. After lunch the panel worked normal again. What the neck, Scotty?

I asked  KIA service about the Log Dump message when i had the car in for its normal service back in December. The Service Liaison said that he had never seen nor heard of such a message.  Now that this is occurring more frequently and with added peculiarity I need to know what is happening and how to stop it.

There are some comments about this message on Google but no answers.



3 Answers

From what little I can find online it appears to be Linux crash dump. Presumably the radio runs a Linux or similar Unix-like operating system that crashed for whatever reason and restarted, generating a log file that can be retrieved for analysis. (This could be due to a developing hardware flaw like flakey memory or possibly a buggy update.)  I doubt that most dealer technicians would know what to do with the crash log, it's most likely intended for the software developers.

Topic starter
  • Operating system? Do you know who the "Go to" would be since a Dealer Technician would not know what to do.  
Posted by: @jst

Operating system?

Yes, that's a Unix/Linux type filespec and the ".gz" extension indicates the file is gzipped, gzip being a popular file compression utility on Unix-type systems. That radio is almost certainly running Linux internally, or possibly Android which is based on Linux.

Posted by: @jst

Do you know who the "Go to" would be since a Dealer Technician would not know what to do.

No idea. As I said the crash dump probably contains information that would only be useful for software developers.

