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Citroen Relay Van & Nissan Qashqai opinions in the UK


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Hi scotty love vids am not a mechanic just love listening to you speak just no it is the truth

However is there any chance u can take about Van's

I have a cirten relay 06 has done me proud love to hear what u have to say about it and what I should be doing to look after it even more

And I also have a Nissan qashqai 64 plate 38k miles had no problems with it but have the chance to had it back to car company for an up grade should what is you opinions on this model

Also am from the uk liverpool

3 Answers

Citroen Relay: It's 15 years old and as you said it's done you proud, it owes you nothing. Keep on maintaining it as you have been and see how long it lasts.

Nissan Qashqai: Manual or Auto? How old is a 64 plate? Diesel or Petrol?


Well they don't sell either those models here you want a van get a Toyota van they make the best bar none


The Qashqai with 38,000 miles better be reliable.. Modern Jatco CVTs should be okay for the first 75-100,000 miles or so. The Jatco CVTs start to fall apart post that mileage.

The Citroen Relay isn’t the best van out there, but if it hasn’t given you any trouble & you’re happy with it, looks like you’ve gotten your money’s worth since it’s still running down the road 15yrs later.

For maintenance, I’d just follow the guidance provided in your owner’s manual. You can drain & fill (not flush) the transmission fluid every 30-40,000 miles, using the exact same transmission fluid that’s mentioned in your owner’s manual.

All the best mate!
