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Why was Saturn shut down?


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I own 2004 Saturn Ion 18 years now.

Why did GM shutdown the saturn?

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2 Answers

It’s kind of a long story.

Back in the late 80’s, GM’s union contracts were really forcing a lot of cost-cutting in order for their cars to be competitive with the Japanese.  The use of cheap parts was giving GM a reputation for poor quality cars.  

The solution was to set up a new nonunion factory to make a nonunion nameplate.  They gave the workers more say in management but without a formal union contract.

Saturn was never luxury cars, but their early ones were pretty good for the price... better than GM’s union-made competitors.  Saturn showed that if you got the unions out of the way, you got better cars, happier employees, and more profitability.  Win-win-win.

Everyone came out ahead except the unions and their allies in management, who then did everything they could to hamstring and undermine the new brand.  As I recall, they started to intermix Saturn production with their legacy brands. Saturn’s quality fell off, and there was no longer any purpose for their existence. 

FYI: I once had a 1992 SL1.  Bought it new in Olathe, Kansas.   The first car my wife and I bought after our marriage.

PS: Saturn was one of the first to use polymer body panels. Easier to mold to shape than steel, and completely rust-free. Saturns often looked new for years until the engines and transmissions gave out. Unfortunately they never had any aftermarket support, so once they died they were junked. Not a lot of classic Saturns still on the road.

