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Lexus GX470 Injector Leak


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Dear Scotty, we live in Guatemala, recently purchased a GX470 in Texas and shipped it here. Its my dream car! but couple of months ago, we cleaned the injectors. Now it is hard for the GX to start on a hot engine, I presume a leaking injector. No codes.

Please let me know how to check which inyector is faulty.

GX470 2007 195K miles

Best Regards,

Federico Billeb

PD. Became a Toyota Fan since I started to follow you! not disappointed at all. I own a T4R 2003 v8 318k miles,  2005 T4R 2005 4x4  240k miles and the Lexus GX470, Would love to send some pics if you like.

1 Answer

well you need a high level scan tool like I do that shows misfires and injector data if you don't want to spend thousands find a guy like me that has one of those machines
