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[Solved] Should I change my ATF


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Youtube recently started recommending your vids to me, I started watching, and I find them to be very informative and helpful. Thank you!!

I have a 2015 Chevy Equinox (2.4L; FWD) with 81,000 miles: the transmission shifts fine, perhaps a little rough on the down-shift, but nothing serious and not consistently; up-shift works fine with no issues.

I purchased the car from my Dad, was reviewing the paperwork he gave to me and found out that he never changed the transmission oil.

Knowing you say when cars get older there is some risk of introducing problems if you change the transmission oil, but also knowing that you're a fan of regular changes (and I'd like to have it changed), I'm checking to see what you think? Should I change it and get back on a regular change schedule? Or???


Dan F.

2 Answers

It was likely due at 60k. You're fine to change it now.


Knowing you say when cars get older there is some risk of introducing problems

he said high mileage .. like 200k
