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[Solved] Hello, do know of any quality remanufacture engine?


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Hello, I'm new here and have a question. I have a 1992 ford flareside, 351 engine, 5.8 liter. The engine sized, as coolant  leaked out, during a drive on the highway. Their isn't any local machine shop for 20-30miles.

I have been looking at re manufacture engines, S&J, tri star, jasper. I have seen a lot of issues from these company's. I'm at a road block as their seems to be far little reviews from buyers. What reviews their are, seems to be horrifying.

If you have any recommendations or personal experience, I would gladly take the advice.

1 Answer
Posted by: @newcarkid

What reviews their are, seems to be horrifying.

you need to take reviews with a grain of salt.

A lot of those customers likely tried to install an engine themselves, without the proper tools and knowledge, didn't do their research ,  screwed up the job, and then blamed the engine. Engine installs can be very tricky.

Jasper has a good, long standing reputation. If their workmanship was "horrifying" then they probably wouldn't be in business. I've only heard good things about Jasper from experienced mechanics.

Anyway, there are plenty of recommendations in this forum if you try the search.

Jasper is also Scotty's top recommendation:

Here is Eric O. from South Main Auto, installing a Jasper transmission.

Thank you, for your advice, I never considered customers installing the engine without proper equipment. I'll look into Jasper more, their warranty looks solid.
