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Manual corolla good for first car?


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I am looking for a manual car to learn how to drive on because i want to be able to drive anything i hop into, with that being said i was wondering if anyone has had any issues related to the like 2006 to 2012 manual models specifically, and if it would be a good option.

Thank you all in advance


Probably will be a good car. How did you ask this question? I went onto forums and pressed ask questions here but I can't figure out what to do after that.

Forums, click on a post (not ask question), read post and if you have a comment reply in the comment. If you have an answer reply in "Your Answer"at the bottom. And welcome : )

4 Answers

One of the best options you have.

You can also consider Honda civics.


Corollas are good first car and can last forever if taken care of. My brother owns a 2013 and almost has 200k in it. He drives it everywhere. he bought it with 5k miles in it in 2013 ever since then he has only done regular oil/fluid changes and brake jobs and last year he had to change the battery in it for the first time. 


Manuals are better in general.  I think it's great you are going to learn how to drive them.  

As for which ones, the manufacture and model of the car is as important as the trans type.  And depends on where you live/availability etc.

If I wanted good mileage and something that would last forever, I'd get an old Toyo PU with manual... but doesn't suit every application for everyone.


Some 09-11 Corollas had oil burning issues. Just be aware of that and keep checking oil levels. Manual + Corolla is an unbeatable combination.
