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[Solved] Should I replace O2 sensors and ignitions coils preventively


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I have an m35 Infiniti 06.  Recently I got a o2 sensor code. I am thinking of replacing all o2 sensors with NTK. Any comparison with denso and NTK o2 sensors ? Next. I am thinking of changing my ignition coils as preventative maintenance. I’m at 113 k miles.  Any benefits to changing the ignition coils ? Or should I keep the old ones. They have no issues just want it to run better. 

Is it a waste of money for the coils ? Or is it worth it.

1 Answer

if you don't have any issues then keep the old ones. They can easily last the lifetime of the vehicle. Same with the coils.

Well o2 sensor one is bad and a while ago another one was bad different one. So both banks are duds but the mechanic told me I needed to replace all 4 sensors so they don’t burn each other out. Not sure how true that is. Thank you !

nonsense. Change your mechanic preventively

Thanks m8 he actually told me to only change the two bad ones !! Will be returning the other ones and he was charging me 80$ for all 4 changed. Not bad He charged me 60$ for both and took him like 4 hours to replace. Check engine went off just driving it around for now hopefully NGK sensors are good.
