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[Solved] Brake Rotors have superficial rust should I replace them? (several questions)


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My 2013 Honda Civic LX (87,000 miles) has rusty brake rotors should I replace them? When replacing the rotors should I just get the pads and brake calipers replaced too? Is it okay to do them separately over a period of time to save money? Is there some sort of spray that can go on them to protect them from future rusting? 

Quick clarification: Are we talking drum or disk brakes? I believe the Civic has drums on the back.

Not sure, it's just I can see behind the wheel its looking rusty, I know very little about cars.

I'm not having any problems with the brakes right now this is just for preventive maintenance.

2 Answers

If you look around your neighborhood, I'd bet that any car that hasn't been used in 3-4 days has some rust on the rotors. What you SHOULD look for/attend to is if your rotors have grooves/ridges worn in them. At 87K miles, you should check/have checked the brake pads, as they are the item that does wear down.


No. It's naked steel. It's supposed to rust. DO NOT spray anything on your brake rotors except brake cleaner.
