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Ai making stuff up?


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To follow up my previous post about AI generated content and how the internet is now useless...

So I was reading articles on the internet about GM’s 4.3L V6 engines. Came across this gem:

”The main difference between the 4.3 and 4.3 Vortec engine specs is that the Vortec engine is a lot more powerful. It has a bigger displacement and more torque, making it better suited for towing and hauling.”

Am I missing something? The Vortec 4.3 has a bigger displacement than the other 4.3?  

Pretty bad when the humans have to proofread the computers. 

5 Answers

That's exactly what it is. (badly) Computer generated content (not even AI) designed to farm clicks and generate ad revenue. Nothing new under the sun. Pretty common occurrence, and almost as old as the internet itself.


Wait till you see the computer generated Youtube videos.


Posted by: @imperator

Wait till you see the computer generated Youtube videos.

Not to mention computer-generated cars...

Posted by: @dad2lm2

the internet is now useless...

the internet isn't useless, but we have to be better at being able to tell what's genuine or not. So far, the generated stuff is pretty easy to recognize. It just sounds like a whole lot of sentences smashed together. It follows kind of a question-answer format. It's long flat, boring, and has a lot of repetition. It doesn't sound like human writing at all.


Obviously, we have to consider that some time very soon, the internet will be full "AI" content, some that will be inaccurate, and it will be completely indistinguishable from human content. Well, humans have been posting nonsense since the beginning of time, so that's nothing new either. As always, when it matters, it behooves us to look at the facts and form our own judgments. We take things at face value at our own peril.


Edgar Allan Poe wrote:

... the time will arrive when you will learn to judge for yourself of what is going on in the world, without trusting to the gossip of others. Believe nothing you hear, and only one half that you see.


Also, we have to remember to hold up even our longest and most firmly held beliefs to scrutiny. Sometimes they turn out to be wrong and limit us too.

Posted by: @dad2lm2

reading articles on the internet

Can you post a link to this?


lol, every paragraph begins with "The", which is like a big no no for a writer.

Its also important to note that things like Chat gpt are kinda like glorified search engines. Its only as good as the information it can find. AI tends to have a hard time deciphering "good" & "bad" information, and just reports what it finds. It can very confidently tell you wrong information. Also depends on who is writing the logic too. Im sure theyre improving its fact-checking algorithm, at least the better companies or platforms, whatever is the appropriate term to use.
