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Where are they going to find people to repair these New Cars


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Hi, this is for Scotty and others. I was a GM Tech. for 45 years at the same dealership. The first 20 years I worked flat rate and made a good living. I was a Master ASE Mechanic and GM Master Mechanic. I specialize in Electral and Drivability. I also had a smog license since 1975. They made me shop foreman in the year 2000 and fire marshal to fix what the others could not fix. I had over a hundred thousand dollars in tools. Here is where I am going with this the dealership do not care about the techs and think that anybody can do this. I have been retired now for four years and they are losing the good Techs because the more you learn the less you earn. Today’s good Tech: if they can repair these late model cars they can go anywhere and get a job other than car repairs. They had me try to fix the unfixable. They need to take the repairs out of the dealers because they cannot find anybody to repair these complex vehicles. I sure wish I could talk to Scotty; I could really fill him in about the deanship world.    Where are they going to find people to repair these New Cars

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6 Answers
Posted by: @speedybon

Where are they going to find people to repair these New Cars

They won't . The cars will end up at the metal scrapper. Or maybe they'll start shipping them out to the developing world where they'll either fix them or scavenge them for parts.


Thanks for giving us insight into this, from your personal experience. 


We're in the early stages of the 'Idiocracy' film from 2006. Just give it 10 years or so and the closest thing to a mechanic will be a "Tyre valve pressure engineer! With hydrogen for your tyres! Because hydrogen makes tyres roll!".

And as soon as it gets a flat you buy a new car.


Here's a look from the inside:

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All i know is GM has a lot of buy backs.

It’s unbelievable how many Dealers are losing their top techs. If you new the hoops that there run you through just to start a repair is unbelievable, Google, Strategy Base Diagnostics that would you an idea of how we are to start a repair, Plus punching a time lock in and out so they can record the time on the vehicle and if you don’t follow the guide lines they will back flag your repair.

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All i know is GM has a lot of buy backs

This post was modified 3 months ago 2 times by Speedybon