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2021 Chevy Silverado reliability


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Hey Scotty, why do the 2021 Chevy Silverado lifters fail all the time? And why is my friend saying that Chevy is the best truck to buy? Thanks.

4 Answers
Posted by: @andrewvonsandrew

why do the 2021 Chevy Silverado lifters fail all the time?

Because the cylinder deactivation system that GM uses is flawed. It's complicated, but I think the gist is that temperature differences cause unbalanced forces in the metal, which leads to poor lubrication in certain parts, which leads to accelerated wear and failure. But I'm no engineer, so there's plenty of info about it out there on the web, and on our cylinder deactivation page (check the FAQ) if you're interested.


That being said, I know a few people that have Silverados/Sierras with the AFM engines, and they have no issues, even well after 150k miles, and it saved them a bunch of money on gas. So there's that too.


I found these answers in a minute using the search box on the right hand side of this page.


Posted by: @andrewvonsandrew

why is my friend saying that Chevy is the best truck to buy?

Why don't you ask him?  Everyone has their own reasons, but you should make up your own mind.


I find them very simple, easy to work on and fix and modify, and parts are cheap and plentiful. They make good suspension and seats. You get a proper set of gauges in the cluster. etc. etc.... It all depends what's important to you.


You could also use the search box on Scotty's Youtube channel page. I found these.

And wouldn't you know it, Scotty posted a Silverado video just the other day.


  • 4:21

