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[Solved] Backup dumpster bump


Topic starter

Sup dood?

   I'm in PA and I've got a stock 2020 WRX base model with a manual transmission. Like a dingus, I backed it up into the corner of a dumpster. Gouged some paint right off. Looks butt ugly but I'm mostly concerned about the damage worsening.

  Had it since the end of Dec and only put about 3000 city miles on it. I'm 33 and I want this thing to last a lifetime. Do you think this will last me until I'm an old geezer? I plan not to add any compression mods and I try to resist the urge not to drive like a lunatic.

Please advice.


1 Answer

Hey ya dingus. Just get the paint touched up at a body shop.


it's only been on the market a year, so it's anyone's guess if it'll last 30 years. But you've got a leg up since it's a manual. Just do the best you can to look after it and hope for the best.
