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Car Jolt when sudden brakes applied


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Hello, I have a Toyota Camry Altise 2010, 2.4L, automatic, 168000kms, that every time when I am applying a sudden or faster brake to stop, it feels like I have a load at the back that briefly jolts (pushes) the car in the front (like a loaded trailer with a faulty hydraulic braking system that pushes in the car's towbar).

It feels weird since the car is stopped, and the brakes are slightly released from the "pressure to stop" previously applied and that jolt/push is happening. No concerning or unnormal sounds/noises can be heard from the car's engine, transmission, brakes, or any other key components at any time. But a little winning sound in the steering wheel, but this is since I have purchased the car at 145000kms, and at that time I changed the steering wheel fluid and the winning sound been less quiet but now it slightly more obvious.

  No leaks under the car. I have replaced the tranny fluid with the original type at 146000kms and I could feel that the car had much more power in acceleration (now it is more sensitive when accelerate from a stop position) and it shifts gears verry well. Cheers!

2 Answers
Posted by: @santes

By any chance, would I be able to connect a cheaper device, that could identify an issue like this? Is there any OBD under $300 be able to tshoot this kind of issue?

More expensive scan tools usually have greater abilities than less expensive ones. So you might find something for $300 that will work but you're certainly not assured of this until that device is actually plugged into your OBD2 port. Any 'coverage checker' website stating for a device saying "it will do this and that on your specific car".. be very skeptical because all tools have their limitations. Could easily be why Scotty suggested you find someone with a good tool and the knowledge to use it correctly. Hope this helps


That sounds like a classic ABS system failure. If a guy like me hook up his fancy scan tool, drive it and check the ABS data. Hopping something like a bad sensor or a bad ABS modulator will do that

Hi Scotty, thank you for your quick reply and for all the advice you have provided during all these years.

It does not feel like a fail on the breaks to be honest. That is, because the car is fully stopped for 2 to 4 seconds when the push happens, and it might be that my way of describing the issue was slightly confusing, but as a second thought, could the transmission have an issue which will make the gear system to slide forward when the breaks are studently applied? I will take your advice and take it to a professional if no other OBDs could give me feedback on this, but I don't know anyone with a professional OBD. You probably referred to an actual Toyota dealer, or any mechanic, that have the Toyota software license included in their OBDs, to be able to investigate such an advanced issue.

By any chance, would I be able to connect a cheaper device, that could identify an issue like this? Is there any OBD under $300 be able to tshoot this kind of issue?
