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Valve adjustment on 2018 Honda Fit with 125,000 (90% highway) miles?


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I have a 2018 Honda Fit. Bought it with 125,000 miles on it....vast majority are verified highway miles. Question: Do I need to adjust the valves now or can I wait? Scotty has said that highway miles = 10-15% in-town driving, which would mean that, given how the car was driven, a valve adjustment isn't necessarily imperative at this time.  Opinions?

This topic was modified 2 years ago by Greyhoundude
2 Answers

Honda says every 30,000 miles, or every 24 months.  Doesn't matter what kind of driving you do.  You are way over due.


That 10% figure that Scotty talks about for highway versus city driving refers to wear, not maintenance. If you don't have service records saying the valves have been adjusted in the last 30K miles it would be best to go ahead and do it.
