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2001 Tacoma Transmission Pan: Gasket vs Gasket Maker


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Hi Mr. Kilmer,


Question, I have a 2001 Tacoma. 


I am planning on changing the transmission filter on the truck but noticed that there is no gasket. What would you recommend me to do, get the appropriate gasket for the transmission pan? Or gasket maker, I have seen some at the store, Permatex brand, but I am not sure which one to get.

2 Answers

There's an OEM Transmission Oil Pan Gasket available from the dealer for around $15. 

Personally, I'd use it

Great. Thanks!


Buy the right gasket 

Thanks for the advice. I wasn't sure. I have been watching a lot of youtube videos but noticed there is no gasket. I have reading blogs too, some recommend the gasket others the gasket maker (FIPG).
