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Private party/Bad Title


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Scotty, Most used cars in my price range are sold by private parties. But a majority of these sellers haven’t put the titles in their name. Is this a problem? What should I do? What can I do? (I live in Alabama)

3 Answers
Posted by: @y2k

Is this a problem?

Yes. That is a practice called "title jumping" and not only is it an indicator of potential fraud it is illegal.

Posted by: @y2k

What should I do? What can I do?

Stay away from those deals. Travel outside your area if that's what it takes to get a legit seller.



yeah it's a problem you should avoid. You don't want trouble with authorities so get get a car that's clean and above board. You don't want to land in hot water with the law, bank liens, and stuff like that. Leave that mess for somebody else.


A clean title in the owner’s (seller’s) name is what you want.  Anything less than that, walk away.
