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Which Ford F-150?


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Friend of mine would like a pickup truck to haul things around, no towing really involved. At the same time, he likes the idea of just having one where he can use as a daily driver and go on vacation down to the shore to take his family. While driving around town, he has seen many newer Fords and likes their style. Even though I mentioned a Tundra and he has seen them out and about, his heart seems to be set on a newer Ford F-150. Is there anything that he should watch out for like engine types, transmission, etc.? I remember when watching Scotty, if someone wants a newer Ford they should try to get one with a V-8 engine if possible.

UPDATE: Friend is deciding to move forward with a new Ford F-150. I know what is being said with the post and friend wants new not "old", however, would the V-8 be the best choice in terms of engine?

4 Answers

Don't go near anything 2018 or newer. Period.


If you want the ecoboost, choose the 2.7…almost bulletproof, but turbocharged engines like ecoboosts DO NOT like LAX maintenance. If you’re sensitive to maintenance, 2.7, even the 3.5, can be reliable, even more reliable than 5.0. If you want newer 5.0s, be diligent on maintenance as well.

Turbos may fail immaturely but it is rare given that Ford sells ecoboost in very high volume just like with Ford 10R80 transmissions. There may be several complaints, but Ford sells vehicles with 10R80 transmissions in MILLIONS.

Do your homework and make an informed decision. Consider recalls, complaints and common issues. You don’t want to be the rare ones.


With the F 150, the older, the better.  They have gone down the El Bano the newer they are. 
